Things A Woman Should Know About Shoes; Karen Homer
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Women love shoes. Even women who couldn’t care less about fashion can appreciate the line of a finely turned heel. Women whose lifestyles demand nothing but “sensible shoes” have closets full of designer stilettos unworn in their boxes. Others meticulously dust and polish a favorite pair. The worst offenders pretend not to care and chuck thousands of pounds’ worth of cobbling into the dark recesses of their under-stairs cupboard. For every woman who is obsessed with stilettos as her only means to glamour, there is another whose lust is for boots, or for sandals, or the irresistible allure of satin mules, fluffy slippers, sole-studded “driving shoes”, even trainers…You name it, there is a woman out there with a serious habit. This book is for all women – and men – for whom the mere thought of new shoes prompts an involuntary sigh of pleasure. Better than sex? Maybe. And of course the two are intrinsically linked – or so the advertising men would have us believe. Can the right shoes get you your man? A new job? Change your personality? Karen Homer examines how shoes can certainly alter the way you feel about yourself, not least – yet not only – by simply changing the way you walk.
Changing your shoes is the simplest way to transform your outfit. These pages are full of advice on how to make your habit work for you, tips on downsizing your collection or picking new essentials. The next best thing to a new pair.
Changing your shoes is the simplest way to transform your outfit. These pages are full of advice on how to make your habit work for you, tips on downsizing your collection or picking new essentials. The next best thing to a new pair.